Sunday, May 30, 2010


There was a new lady in the dining room this morning. She cheerfully offered us soft boiled eggs and fresh baked bread. She showed us that if we butter the warm bread and add chocolate sprinkles (already on the table) we will have a lovely breakfast food common in Holland . It was really delicious. We then grabbed a couple lattes from Starbucks and headed to the boat. The new props we had put on look beautiful. They will never be this clean and shiny again. The big project this morning was to collect the bimini (that broke off in 2007) that has been stored in the shed. Of course it is Sunday so no one was working in the shed. It was a long walk carrying this very heavy object. Then we got to haul it up to the upper helm. I’m complaining but Fred really did the hardest part. We were hoping that Fred could repair the damage to the support rods that broke off. !@#$, we don’t think this will work. I have no idea what our plan will be next. While Fred was putting things away and organizing his engine room I was checking the galley and paperwork. I had a horrible feeling that something was wrong. I told Fred that I thought I knew the answer but… “did you pack the binder containing the boat documentation and passports?”. He said “no…” We looked high and low and it isn’t here. Without that paperwork, we can’t get into Canada . I looked through the documentation of the items from home that went into Mayflower storage when we emptied the house. Looks like the binder we need is in storage in Union City . I sent off an email to our contact to see what recourse we have in locating what we need. We’ll see. We came into town for lunch and then ran by West Marine for more necessities. Of course, Fred could only find one of the three things we were looking for. We need some floating line to arrange for pulling the dinghy and we couldn’t believe that they had none. OK, another project on hold. Fred decided to repack the prop shaft stuffing boxes. Fred had everything he needed but after pulling it apart, found out that we needed another part. We will hit West Marine on our way back to the hotel. The boatyard closes at 5 PM and we headed out at 4:30 PM. OK, why is the gate closed and locked?? I called the office and got a recording that everything closes at 3 PM on Sundays. We cannot believe this. Not one of our better days. Fred called the Anacortes Police (non-emergency) number. An officer showed up and asked Fred why he was on the wrong side of the fence (ha ha). He had also contacted the marina emergency contact and the owner showed up and let us out. What a day. I needed some comfort food so we order pizza. The best part of the day was when our realtor called to say there were about 40 people who came through the Open House today in Piedmont . She thinks we will have at least three offers on the house. That would be awesome!

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